New Player & 11u Player (WOBA Bulls)

PrintNew Player & 11u Player

11U Player & First Time Player Information         

Released July 31, 2024

Welcome to the WOBA Bulls 11U player and family information letter.  If you are considering playing for the Bulls, we are hoping the below information will answer all the questions you may have about our program.

The WOBA Bulls program is a program designed to offer players an opportunity to play at a higher level “AA” or “AAA” in three tournaments throughout the year.  Players still play with their home centre, the 3 indoor sessions in April and the three additional tournaments that are chosen by their coach, are in addition to their home OBA centre schedule.


What the Bulls program offers

After you have been selected in tryouts in September, and confirmed you want to be a Bull, below is a snapshot of what the program offers.

·    Three “AA” or “AAA” tournaments, to take place between May and July.  Head coach decides which tournaments he wishes the team to participate in.

  • ·       Three indoor sessions of 90 minutes each in April at Between the Lines in Listowel.
  • ·       2 home exhibition games (at discretion of head coach)
  • ·       Bulls personalized jersey, with name and personalized number on the back (number to be approved by head coach)
  • ·       Bulls hat
  • ·       Bulls baseball team bag
  • ·       Bulls red belt and red socks
  • ·       The Bulls player fee for the 2024 season was $485.

WOBA Bulls Uniforms

·    WOBA Bulls mandate that every Bulls player has a Bulls jersey, Bulls hat, Bulls baseball bag and wears a red belt and red socks and grey baseball pants.

·    The Bulls wear grey pants, but since many WOBA centres wear grey pants, we do not charge for pants, but grey pants are required.

·    The WOBA Bulls do not mandate a certain coloured batting helmet.  We try to keep costs low where possible, and you may wear the helmet you use for your home centre.

Bulls Apparel and Online Ordering

·    ONLY at the 11U age the Bulls organization will order all required clothing listed above, and you will receive your apparel in early April at an indoor session. Each player at 11U will need to give the head coach jersey size, name on back and number.

·    If you are a new player to your team ( 12U or older) you are required to order from the online store what is required.

In October and January, you will be emailed a Bulls online store link.  The Bulls have a partnership with Source for Sports in Stratford in designing the site as well as handling all orders.  This site includes all Bulls apparel as well as clothing such as hoodies, shirts and shorts for you to purchase.

Payment of Yearly Fees

·    If your player has been chosen and you accept to play for the Bulls next spring, the Bulls require a $200 non-refundable deposit by the end of September.  This deposit goes against the final amount owed.  The final amount required to play for the Bulls is calculated and communicated to you by March 1st, and final payment to the Bulls is to be received by May 1st.

Thank you for showing interest in the Bulls organization, we are always looking for new ways in giving players within WOBA an opportunity to play at a higher level.


Jason Murray, WOBA Bulls President

519 276 1716

[email protected]