This is a volunteer position overseeing the operations of the BULLS program.
The WOBA Executive and Board of Management are looking for a General Manager for the Bulls program. The Bulls teams are affiliate based teams competing at AA/AAA tournaments. We graciously thank Chris Taylor
for fulfilling this role since pre-Covid, however Chris has retired from this position and we wish him well. At this time we wish to thank Kory Dietz and Trevor Russwurm for their administrative roles in 2023 to keeping the program fluid and to preparing
for the 2024 season.
This is a volunteer position overseeing the operations of the BULLS program. The applicant is to have an understanding of the criteria for the program and include program administration and management, player and coach selection, uniform/equipment,
tryouts/practices, exhibition games/tournaments, reporting and fiscal reporting to the WOBA. The position will require the applicant to working with the WOBA affiliate registrar and secretary as part of the administration responsibilities.
Interested applicants to submit a letter of intent.
All applications will be reviewed by a committee on February 4th. Those selected for an interview will be contacted thereafter.